Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: DHANURASANA – The Bow Pose
ASTRO YOGA - Posture of the Month for July
by Anette Shine
if possible, every month, I’d like the articles to say “by Anette Shine” at the top, otherwise it looks like I’m just a model in it
and not the author of the article. This is for people to know, in case they don’t read all the way til the end
Let me know if you have any questions about the photos... I’d love to use photo number 19 somewhere, but since
it doesn’t show enough of my stomach to be used as a “Cancer photo image”
I have chosen photo number 18th to begin with, as it’s a great “summer welcome shot”! Here we go:
Photo number 18: Happy summer! Welcome to July’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring CANCER,
the sensitive and nurturing water sign ruled by the Moon. The colour is white. Anatomically Cancer corresponds
to the stomach, the abdominal/digestive organs and the breasts. By Anette Shine
Posture of the Month: DHANURASANA = THE BOW POSE (photo number 4)
In Sanskrit “Dhana” means “bow” as the arms are like the string of a bow, pulled by the strength
of the body and legs. The Bow pose tones, stimulates and rejuvenates the abdominal organs.
Dhanurasana also reduces menstrual pain, relieves acidity and improves digestion.
How to do it:
First you need to do a “build-up” pose named Salabhasana (“Locust”, as seen on photo 1) a couple of times.
Then you can bend your legs and grasp your outer ankles. Do not widen the knees more than hipwidth apart.
Start with the forehead on the floor (photo 2) Then begin to lift your head, chest and press your heals away
from your buttocks. Lift your thighs as high as possible off the floor. (photo 3)
Anna: Insert the 3 photos here: 1, 2 and 3 next to each other.
Now lift your head and chest up as high as you can; (see photo of Dhanurasana above) Keep the arms straight
and pull the shoulders back with the strength of your legs. The weight of the body should rest on the
abdomen only. Stay for 5-10 slow breaths. You can “rock’n’roll” forth and back to stimulate the internal
organs further. Keep lifting as high up as you can, like if the floor was burning.
What to focus on:
Once in the pose gaze on the tip of the nose OR close your eyes and gaze on the space between the eyebrows.
Mentally you can say the following to yourself: I easily digest the experiences of life. I easily assimilate each new moment
of every day.
How to come out of Dhanurasana and a counter pose:
Gently let go of your ankles and bring yourself backward into childspose (Balasana) and rest. photo number 5
Other benefits of Dhanurasana:
It strengthens the legs, the knees and the backmuscles. It improves the flexibility of the spine and stimulates the kidneys,
which has an energizing effect. It tones the chest, the breasts, and all the internal organs and helps treating disorders of these.
It massages the solar plexus, exercises the abdominal muscles and improves digestion.
Cautions – How to modify it:
If you have a stiff back you can start out by widen the knees much more than hipwidth. If grasping your ankles is difficult you can use a belt
around the feet instead. Don’t try to “rock’n’roll” forth’n’ back if you feel tight in your body, just be still and breathe deeply.
Instead of catching both feet, just catch one at a time (Half Bow Pose= Ardha Dhanurasana) as seen on the photo (number 9)
If your hip bones are hurting, doublefold your mat or place a blanket underneath to cushion...
Contact: Anette Shine – Sunshine Yoga: +377 97 777801
Publicity: Anna Fill .............................
ASTRO YOGA - Posture of the Month for JuneASTRO YOGA - Posture of the Month for June
Happy summer! Welcome to July’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring CANCER, the sensitive and nurturing water sign ruled by the Moon. The colour is white. Anatomically Cancer corresponds to the stomach, the abdominal/digestive organs and the breasts.
Posture of the Month: DHANURASANA = THE BOW POSE
In Sanskrit “Dhana” means “bow” as the arms are like the string of a bow, pulled by the strength of the body and legs. The Bow pose tones, stimulates and rejuvenates the abdominal organs. Dhanurasana also reduces menstrual pain, relieves acidity and improves digestion.
How to do it:
First you need to do a “build-up” pose named Salabhasana (“Locust”, as seen on photo 1) a couple of times. Then you can bend your legs and grasp your outer ankles. Do not widen the knees more than hipwidth apart. Start with the forehead on the floor (photo 2) Then begin to lift your head, chest and press your heals away from your buttocks. Lift your thighs as high as possible off the floor. (photo 3)
1 - 2 - 3
Now lift your head and chest up as high as you can; (see photo of Dhanurasana above) Keep the arms straight and pull the shoulders back with the strength of your legs. The weight of the body should rest on the abdomen only. Stay for 5-10 slow breaths. You can “rock’n’roll” forth and back to stimulate the internal organs further. Keep lifting as high up as you can, like if the floor was burning.
What to focus on:
Once in the pose gaze on the tip of the nose OR close your eyes and gaze on the space between the eyebrows. Mentally you can say the following to yourself: I easily digest the experiences of life. I easily assimilate each new moment of every day.
How to come out of Dhanurasana and a counter pose:
Gently let go of your ankles and bring yourself backward into childspose (Balasana) and rest.
Other benefits of Dhanurasana:
It strengthens the legs, the knees and the backmuscles. It improves the flexibility of the spine and stimulates the kidneys, which has an energizing effect. It tones the chest, the breasts, and all the internal organs and helps treating disorders of these. It massages the solar plexus, exercises the abdominal muscles and improves digestion.
Cautions – How to modify it:
If you have a stiff back you can start out by widen the knees much more than hipwidth. If grasping your ankles is difficult you can use a belt around the feet instead. Don’t try to “rock’n’roll” forth’n’ back if you feel tight in your body, just be still and breathe deeply. Instead of catching both feet, just catch one at a time (Half Bow Pose= Ardha Dhanurasana) as seen on the photo below. If your hip bones are hurting, doublefold your mat or place a blanket underneath to cushion...
Contact: Anette Shine – * Sunshine Yoga: +377 97 777801 * Website:
Publicity by Anna Fill: