Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: GOMUKHASANA - Cow Pose
Anette Shine welcomes you to December’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring Sagittarius. The anatomical areas relating to Sagittarius are the hips and the thighs. The colour is purple...
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: VRISCHIKASANA = The Scorpion
Anette Shine welcomes you to November’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring Scorpio. The planet corresponding to the astrological sign "scorpio" is "Pluto" - the sign of secrets, passion, intensity & transformation. The colour is black...
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA – seated half spinal twist
Anette Shine welcomes you to October’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring Libra. Anatomically the air sign LIBRA corresponds to kidneys, the bladder and the pelvis. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty & the arts. The colour is pink..
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: SETU BANDHASANA - The Bridge Pose
Anette Shine welcomes you to September’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring Virgo. Anatomically the earth sign VIRGO corresponds to the intestines, the spleen & the nervous system. Ruled by the planet Mercury, the couleurs are grey/dark blue.
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: URDHVA DHANURASANA - The Wheel
Anette Shine welcomes you to August’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring Leo. This posture boosts the qualities of the Lion: It creates a feeling of vitality and lightness, strengthens your will power and increases your capacity to handle stress.
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: DHANURASANA – The Bow Pose
Anette Shine welcomes you to July’s edition of ASTRO YOGA featuring CANCER, the sensitive and nurturing water sign ruled by the Moon. The colour is white. Anatomically Cancer corresponds to the stomach, the abdominal/digestive organs and the breasts.
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: URDHVA BADDHA HASTASANA – Posture with hands interlocked, facing upward.
This month Anette Shine's ASTRO YOGA feature celebrates the zodiac sign of GEMINI.
Anette demonstrates the posture 'URDHVA BADDHA HASTASANA' and you can do it too.
Health and Beauty
Yoga Posture of the Month: HALASANA - Plough Pose
This month Anette Shine's ASTRO YOGA feature celebrates the zodiac sign of TAURUS.
Anette demonstrates the posture 'HALASANA' and you can do it too.
Astro Yoga Class - Pisces
Sunday 10th February at Monte Carlo Bay, join Anette Shine for the second Astro Yoga class in 2013 to celebrate the sign of the Aquarius.
- See more at:§ion=10&reset=1#sthash.Se9tVMvr.dpufSunday 10th February at Monte Carlo Bay, join Anette Shine for the second Astro Yoga class in 2013 to celebrate the sign of the Aquarius.
- See more at:§ion=10&reset=1#sthash.Se9tVMvr.dpufSunday 10th March at Monte Carlo Bay, join Anette Shine for the third Astro Yoga class in 2013 to celebrate the sign of the Pisces.
Astro Yoga Class - Aquarius
Sunday 10th February at Monte Carlo Bay, join Anette Shine for the second Astro Yoga class in 2013 to celebrate the sign of the Aquarius.