Anna Fill Interviews
Green Weddings - Tatiana and Michael of Arbre et RIVIÈRE
Wedding Days are special days and the trends are changing too. Many more couples are choosing alternative ways to celebrate their day in ways that are in keeping with their ethics, values and lifestyle. The Riviera Woman speaks with Tatiana and Michael about their philosophy and passion for creating eco-friendly weddings. Read interview
General Articles
Wedding Industry Trends - Insights from The Wedding Survey 2018
This is a great survey which is carried out each year by WED2B, the data often used as a useful resource for couples who need a little bit of inspiration when planning their wedding. Read more
General Articles
Love is in the air - Will you marry me?
On Valentine's Day there will be a lot of people popping one particular question.... "Will you marry me"! From that moment a whole new adventure begins. With a celebrant led ceremony, your day will be unique- just as you are! Read more
General Articles
Confessions of a Celebrant - Anna Fill
Do you really know what a Celebrant is or what a Celebrant does? Let me tell you what it means to me and explain what I do in my role of Celebrant. I will share with you my beliefs and my mission... Read more
Health and Beauty
How To Get A Royal Smile In Time For Your Wedding
Kate Middleton allegedly had dental surgery worth thousands before her wedding. Orthodontic treatments can take up to a year for noticeable results. Meghan Markle sports one of the most famous smiles in the world... Read more
People and Places
Ligurian Delights: Alassio
Liguria is full of gems and little secrets. One lifetime is not enough to discover the many unspoilt towns and villages. Only 80 kilometres from the French border sits the seaside town of Alassio... Rich in culture, history and baci... Read more
People and Places
Castello di Montaldo: Through the looking glass
When I had the opportunity to visit this castle, wild horses were not going to stop me... The amazing castle sits in the wonderful region of Piemonte, Italy, only 20 minutes from Turin and in my role as a wedding celebrant, I was on a very special mission... Read more
General Articles
Perfect Weddings
Everything you need for the perfect wedding
Le Meridien Beach Plaza Hotel in Monaco presented the first edition of Wedding Open-Day, under a very creative initiative of Manuel de Vasconcelos, General Director and organized by Marion Fernandez, Commercial Director Assistant... Read more
People and Places
Emmanuel Sofonea - Professional Chef
With over 20 years of experience, Emmanuel Sofonea is your professional 'Personal Chef'... and can create an exceptional menu to tantalise your taste buds...
General Articles
Here Come the Brides?

Gay weddings have hit the headlines again. Both the Church and the Government are seeking to find a way to move forward.
I’ve been following with fascination the debate about gay marriage raging in the UK as the government launches a 12-week consultation exercise to elicit views on changing the law... MORE