Anna Fill Interviews
An Interview with... Sandra Richez
The Professional Women's Network exists to bring like-minded women together. As part of the International Women's Day celebrations in March, The Riviera Woman speaks with Sandra Richez, Co-President of the PWN Nice Côte d'Azur. Read more
General Articles
International Women's Day - Women in Action
As we celebrate International Women's Day on 8th March, we reflect on how far women have come since the 1900s and why we need to have more 'Action'... Read more
Anna Fill Interviews
Anna Fill talks to Judy Churchill
Anna Fill Interviews local business woman Judy Churchill.
General Articles
Ring Your bell - 4 Tips To Success
General Articles
My Musical Journey Part 3 - To PC or Not to PC...

To PC or not to PC - That is the question?
So what have we got for PC? One thing for sure... If you've got it, flaunt it! Pluck up the courage and be who you want to be!
General Articles
My Musical Journey Part 2 - I am not a Team Player!

What does it mean to be a team player? To me it means something quite different...
For me, keeping your identity as an individual is quintessentially paramount! No question!
General Articles
My Musical Journey - Part 1 - When The Chips Are Down.

Seizing opportunities are important to how we develop and grow.
People need people and remember that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.