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Health and Beauty

Mind and Body - Anette continues to Shine

Wellness relates to mind and body and is key to healthy living. Combined with a nutritional diet, taking part in a fitness regime such as Yoga or Pilates contributes to staying and feeling youthful.

If we work our muscles gently, we are less likely to suffer from aches and pains. In the same way, if we are kind to our minds and take regular breaks allowing space to meditate, this will help to clear the negative thoughts, ready to feel charged and motivated. Meditating through Yoga is well known to prevent diseases such as dimentia and alzheimer.

Anette Shine has a wealth of knowledge and she lives and breathes Yoga. Sunshine Yoga has become a symbol for respect...

R - relax
E - energise
S - space
P - peace
E - ease
C - calm
T - therapeutic

If you need help with your well-being, do talk to Anette Shine. She will guide you and addvice the best programme for your lifestyle.

Anette believes "everyone can shine."

Sunshine Yoga

Friday, 1 February 2019    Section: Health and Beauty
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