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Your Feelings are Your Feedback

By Judy Churchill

The very best mechanism that you possess for knowing whether something is right or wrong for you is what you are feeling right now! When we are sick, ill, or injured it’s easy to see that something has gone wrong - all the signs are visible however it’s much more beneficial to start remedial work at an earlier stage than illness, i.e. your feelings. Uncomfortable feelings are mental alarm bells and a feedback mechanism that is sounding to warn you before you reach the breakdown stage. Feelings give you an opportunity to turn things around but first you must know how to listen and then act.

I am certainly not going to preach that we should all avoid stressful situations that make us feel bad because firstly it’s not realistic and secondly our days and lives are made up of highs and lows that we cannot easily avoid (work, family issues, divorce, personal issues, project management, financial etc. etc. etc.). Therefore as we cannot always shield ourselves from the things that can cause us to feel bad, we need some quick fix solutions to shift our energy (albeit temporarily) and get us feeling good again. 

First become aware of how you are feeling about any given situation. Become mindful. If you are feeling good then carry on, go past go and collect 200 euros. If you are feeling bad then your thoughts are probably out of control.

  • Your thoughts control EVERY situation. Your mind can take you back to the past and then project those thoughts into the present and future so you must exercise thought control.

  • To exercise thought control STOP when you are feeling bad and bring yourself back to the present, the now. Do it constantly. Remember that Diana Ross song ‘STOP in the name of love before you break my heart!’? Say this to yourself every time you feel bad and it will bring you back to the present.

  • Once in the present act fast to change your thoughts, which in turn will change your energy. Everyone and everything is made up of energy, so if your thoughts (which control your energy) are bad, you will not be able to function and you will attract and draw more bad energy to you, whether you like it or not. It’s that simple and that important.

  • Once you are aware of what you are thinking and what you are feeling, there are several immediate things you can do to shift gear and get back into a positive frame of mind. Here are some of my favourites:

  1. Do something physical. It will work miracles, literally. The very best solution is to go and walk either along the coast, in the country or the mountains; with the latter giving you the most benefits. The mountains (trees, rocks, natural setting) will reset you both mentally and physically increasing your chances of living a long and healthy life by up to 76% and will actually change you on a molecular level and that includes your brain cells. Try it once and you will understand what I mean. I practice this on a regular basis and it becomes very addictive for all the right reasons. It is my preferred energy-shift solution and it has an immediate, transformative, positive effect.

  2. Music: a fast route to your feelings: uplifting, beautiful music will have an immediate positive effect on your thoughts.

  3. Animals: a quick game with a family pet, talking and stroking them will also have a transformative, positive effect on your feelings. The positive feedback you get from your pet will shift your energy.

  4. Books: my number one ‘quick-fix’ solution. Make sure your have a library of mood shifters. In coaching I develop a personalised reading list with each client and they all tell me that it’s truly transformative. Some of my favourite quick rereads when I need to shift energy fast are: Who Moved My Cheese?, The Celestine Prophecy, The Power of Now and The Secret. Of course, with books it’s horses for courses, so you need to know which one to grab for the energy and feelings you want to produce.

  5. Aromatherapy cannot be overemphasised. Ask Marianne Just-Meyer of Young Living Essential oils . Your nose is the fastest route to your emotional brain (it’s the old reptilian brain). Aromas can make or break you. Their effect on the brain is so powerful that when used correctly, they can enhance exam performance (see my book on How to Beat Exam Stress), increase libido, cure ailments, calm preoperative patients and enhance recovery, excite, stimulate and relax. I use an essential oil diffuser in my home and choose the aroma that best suits the mood I want to evoke. If you are curious and need more information contact Marianne. Daniele de Winter also uses essential oils in her high performance cosmetic range and a consultation with her is well worth it.

  6. Massage and deep breathing – needs no embellishment

  7. Last but by no means least, STOP, sit down and have a nice cup of coffee. Top nutritionist Susan Tomassini says we can, so go for it!

These tips will help get you out of a short-term fix but if you would like to work on a sustainable transformational plan for your life or profession please get in touch.

Judy is based in Monaco and specialises in transformational coaching working with both individuals and companies.

Judy is also a qualified language teacher/trainer for adults and children in French, English and Spanish.

If you would like to receive coaching, communication skills training, language tutoring or certified translating from Judy, you can contact her on: or via Facebook messenger and

Tel : +377 6 40 61 04 87

Sunday, 1 October 2017    Section: General Articles    Author: Judy Churchill
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