Health and Beauty
Be a Yogi at Work
More and more of us are working longer hours, longer days and a great deal harder. Some of us are travelling further distances to get to work and all this has seen a negative impact on the well-being of staff with more sick days resulting in lower morale and work productivity levels are lower than hoped for. Stress related illnesses are also a contributing factor to employees needing more time away from the work place.
Monaco is taking a positive lead under the direction of Anette Shine of Sunshine Yoga, who has been commissioned to develop a programme of Yoga classes offered by employers to help employees to feel so much better.
Whether you work in an office, or on a yacht or in a hotel... days that are repetitive and long will benefit greatly with a yoga class tailor made for your needs. Yoga doesn't just reduce stress, it increases focus, boosts immunity, improves posture and it increases confidence and morale.
Healthy Worker, Happy Employer
Beautiful mind & body
Anette Shine
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