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Health and Beauty

Yoga: Do you suffer from frozen shoulders?

By Anette Shine - Yoga & Fitness Expert
with special thanks to Celebrity Model, Victoria Silvstedt

Do you shoulder your responsibilities with ease and joyfully carry your experiences? Or are you feeling overly responsible and carry “the world’s burdens” on your shoulders? (Unfortunately nearly 50% of all women do!)

Find out by trying the following poses. Always “warm-up” gently with this one:

Fold your fingers this way (Photo A) then turn your hands outward like this (Photo B) and then bring your arms all the way straight up locking the elbows inward as much as possible (Photo C)

Hold the pose between 15-60 seconds. Keep squeezing inward, and watch out you don’t hyper arch your back; think of drawing your tailbone downward.

Then bring your arms down and switch the folding of your fingers so that the other index finger will come on top and repeat the pose all over.

Now you’re ready to try GOMUKASANA 

Bring your left arm out to the side and bend it up behind your back (as high up as you can) breathe for a while, then bring your right arm straight up in front of you and bend it to catch the fingers from your left hand behind your back. Stay between 20-60 seconds (depending on your blood pressure)

Keep your head straight and mind calm by focusing on breathing deeply. If you wish to take it further, you can mentally (or out loud) affirm the following: “My burdens are light – like feathers in the wind, I stand tall and free” (Louise Hay affirmation)

Then change side. Notice the usually BIG difference between the two sides. Keep trying as often as possible; before you know it you’ll be able to do both sides easily. This is excellent for arthritis prevention!

I wish you all radiant health and smooth shoulders, warmest Anette XXX

Let me know if you have any questions: &
+377 97 77 78 01 (Sunshine Yoga)

Publicity by Anna Fill - The Riviera Woman

Sunday, 1 March 2015    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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