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Health and Beauty

Feel Good Now - April

Welcome to the new series “FEEL GOOD NOW” featuring ideas and tips on how to instantly feel better right here, right now.
By Fitness & Yoga expert Anette Shine.

Welcome to April everyone. It’s finally SPRING so let’s joyfully celebrate this magical new season by DANCING AROUND YOUR LIVINGROOM and by singing your favourite tune. 

This simple action will immediately change your vibration and make you FEEL GOOD NOW!

So what is YOUR favorite tune at the moment? Here is mine: “Happy” ENJOY!

NB: In case you run out of moves, come and join my Zumba classes, I guarantee you will love the choreography!

Contact:  Anette Shine –
* Sunshine Yoga:  +377 97 777801 * 
Website: and

Publicity by Anna Fill:

Tuesday, 1 April 2014    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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