Health and Beauty
Feel Good Now - February
Welcome to the new series “FEEL GOOD NOW” featuring ideas and tips on how to instantly feel better right here, right now.
By Fitness & Yoga expert Anette Shine.
Happy February everyone!
Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted? Then DEEP BREATHING will put you right back on track:
Take 5-10 minutes to lie down on the floor with your legs up on a chair/couch and put one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Close your eyes and exhale deeply through the mouth with a big, long sound ”haaaaa!!!” Totally let go.
Make sure you relax your shoulders, jaws and hands; imagine yourself melting into the floor. Begin by observing your natural breath for a while. When thoughts arrive just let them drift away like clouds on a blue sky, do not focus on any of them, just let them pass...
Consciously breath deeper into your belly which rises on the inhalation and lowers on the exhalation. This will instantly calm your “monkey mind” which usually jumps either into the past or into the future on its’ own! Do your best to stay present right here, right now so you can recharge yourself. Once you’re feeling calmer and are able to relax deeper, you can try practising “The complete breath” which takes place in 3 parts:
1) As you inhale through the nose feel the belly rising
2) Keep inhaling, feel the ribcage expanding
3) keep inhaling feeling the breath going all the way up into the this point you probably feel like a ballon filled with air, but try to hold your breath (breath retention on full) for a little while so that the prana (life force energy) can circulate and activate your internal organs natural functions and stop your mind’s activity for a couple of seconds.
When it’s time to exhale start by lowering the belly first, then empty the ribcage and empty all the way into the shoulders. Once you are completely empty of breath wait a while before you begin a new breathing cycle (breath retention on empty) because it is considered the most important phase.
I wish you a peaceful and healthy month... Anette
Contact: Anette Shine – * Sunshine Yoga: +377 97 777801 * Website:
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