General Articles
How to keep Motivated, Seek Opportunity and Striving to be Successful
Keeping Motivated
Walk the talk
Very much connected to enthusiasm and energy, is walking the talk. Being inspirational is about letting others see that you are practising what you preach. You also need to remind yourself regularly of the value of what you tell others and if you yourself are projecting those values. So if you are trying to inspire others to go beyond their fears and move out of their comfort zone, show them that you are prepared to do this too and do it regularly. On a recent Outward Bound Monaco course where I had been coaching youth in emotional intelligence, I was faced with the prospect of participating (or not) in a physical endeavour called the Via Ferrata, which translated from Italian, "Iron Roads", is a cross between hiking and climbing. Via Ferrata routes are built into rock faces with cables and ladders and other equipment designed to facilitate climbers' progression along the route, or as in my case, scare the living daylights out of you. It demands a steady head for heights, something I have never possessed.
On that particular course having just inspired my group the previous evening to face their fears, feel the fear and do it anyway, I found that if my words were to mean anything, they had to see me do the same. If any of you know or have seen the Via Ferrata in Peille, you will know just how scary that can be.
Once again ask yourself if you would be taking body management coaching from an out- of-shape instructor who spent every night hanging out in bars until the early hours and who had to keep to keep nipping outside for a cigarette. We all like to “aspire to” something or someone and just as we are unlikely to buy into the idea of renting a run- down, shabby, insalubrious apartment if we have the choice of the opposite, why would people buy into you unless they can aspire to something in you that they like and find attractive? Big corporations understand this and seek endorsements from celebrities for their products and services as the celebrity is “walking the talk” for them automatically. For the same reason celebrities are dropped immediately from advertising campaigns if there is a behavioural breech, as they are no longer seen to be compatible with the core message and values. Don’t start preaching unless you are prepared to practice what you preach. If “you” are selling your product or service then you need to become that person or thing. You’d be amazed to what extent people are looking at you physically and mentally before they make a decision as to whether to buy into you. It’s obvious when you really think about it; you are the best proof of whether whatever it is you are doing or saying works. Being authentic and having been through certain processes yourself is essential before you attempt to inspire someone else to do the same. If you are trying to structure a team, then be structured yourself and the way you go about it. You should be true to yourself, differentiate yourself and then let that radiate out of you. Your ‘doing’ must come from your ‘being’ to be sustainable, otherwise you will be doing things that are out of alignment with yourself and that will soon become very obvious to your clients/employees/ friends and family.
Tip of the month:
Take a long hard look at yourself in the metaphorical mirror and ask yourself if you are walking your talk. If the answer is no, then do something about it! Start using your own tips and products for a start or change direction. Be true to yourself to be true to others.
Judy can be contacted by email on or via her website