General Articles
How to keep Motivated, Seek Opportunity and Striving to be Successful
Keeping Motivated
One of the key ingredients of inspiration is self-belief. It’s no good hoping, or trying to sound inspirational if deep down you yourself have some doubts about the truth of what you are saying or doing. On the other hand, if you truly believe in yourself, that self-belief will radiate from you and be picked up on the radars of those with whom you come in contact. It can be felt and seen; it’s a light that glows around you, it changes your energy and increases your inspirational power. Even when people don’t initially fully agree with you, they will always respect your self-belief and it is that sincerity that they will remember when they are later reflecting on your words. Self-belief is also an essential driver. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else? Self-doubt can be seen, almost smelled, so you must be 100% convinced of your message and this will drive you forward.
Self-belief will keep you inspired and inspirational when the going gets very tough and you have to face hard decisions. It will stop you from wavering when you need to stand firm. You need to be your number one fan and act as if the whole world supports you and you will automatically add others to your flock, as they will want to be led by someone who has bought into herself. Self-belief must be authentic as it’s not hard to pick out people who are acting. There is nothing so intoxicating as someone who (rightly or wrongly) believes in herself. Dr Oz is a great example of someone who can tackle the most uninviting and unattractive medical conditions and convince his audience that not only do they want to listen to what he has to say but that they also want and need to take part in some particularly gruesome experiments – watch his programme on intestinal worms if you need any more convincing!
If you are feeling unsure about your own self-belief at this point, it may be connected to lack of self-confidence, so perhaps a workshop/training/coaching course in assertiveness or confidence building would help. If it’s not that, then perhaps you are less convinced about your projects or whatever it is you are currently doing than you thought and this could be the right time to reassess your options/values and start working on something you really do believe in!
My tip of the month:
Ask yourself honestly if you would believe in you. Do you find yourself inspirational? If not who/what do you believe in and why? Take a course in improving your self-confidence if you do believe in what you’re doing but have trouble getting that message across to others.
Judy can be contacted by email on or via her website