Food and Recipes
You are what you eat - part 2
The second and final part of our two-part article on food and the role it has taken in our development as a species. We conclude with vegetarianism and food allergies.
Food and Recipes
You are what you eat - part 1
The news at the moment is full of the horse-meat scandal and many are questioning our attitude to food. There are three primary choices available; carnivore, vegetarian or Vegan, but what do these words actually mean? And what about food allergies? Read on...
People and Places
3-D Visionarium

Dolceacqua is best known for the Roman footbridge painted by Claude Monet, but there's an another reason to come to this attractive town; a unique 3-D presentation, the likes of which you'll never experience anywhere else in the world.
General Articles
European economics for beginners

From a reader's reply to an article in The Guardian online, this explanation can be understood by anyone. Especially if sung to the tune of "There's a hole in my bucket..."
General Articles
Remembrance and Nini Rosso

The Last Post - widely associated with Remembrance - is very similar to a European hit tune of the 1960s. It took me over 40 years but with the help of the BBC and the Internet I eventually found the track I'd last heard when a teenager.
People and Places
Tribute to Steve Jobs

As The Riviera Woman's tribute to Steve Jobs we reproduce the address he gave at Stanford University in 2005. Nothing we say can match the eloquence of this inspirational speech.
Food and Recipes
Soup In A Roll

Soup in a roll - A great idea for a springtime outdoor work break.
General Articles
Multitasking Madness

It's true - women are better at it than men. But that doesn't make it a Good Thing...
Food and Recipes
Country Quiche

A vegetarian quiche that uses up anything left-over in the veg basket.
Food and Recipes
I like Marmalade

Marmalade is simple to make and the fruit is all around, much of it unwanted. So why waste it?