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Health and Beauty

Breathe As One - with Yoga

By Anette Shine - Fitness and Yoga Expert

As we breathe through the nose we absorb the “prana” (= life force energy) in the air, which recharges every cell in our body... and beyond.


"BREATHE AS ONE" The fourth limb on the scale of 8 in order to reach self-realization is PRANAYAMA - breath control.

This month where we'll celebrate the International Yoga Day on June 21st all over the world, the topic is BREATHING. Did you know that there are about 50 different ways to breathe?

We rarely explore all these techniques, which serve various purposes. In this issue I'll show you two different PRANAYAMAS; both are excellent to calm you down when feeling stressed.

In India they say that the nose is for breathing and the mouth is for eating. So remember to always breathe through the nose when practicing yoga, unless other instruction.

The first PRANAYANA, (breathing exercise) is very simple:

It's called "3-6" and comes from Hormone Yoga Therapy recommended for both women and men. Close your eyes and lips. Inhale fully through the nose as you (mentally) count to three, then pause a little and exhale while counting to six (mentally). Notice how your stress level immediately goes down when the exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation.

The second breathing technique is called NADI SHODANA = alternating nostril breathing, which harmonizes and balances the right brain with the left brain. Rest your left hand down on your left knee and bend the fingers of your right hand like this:

ALWAYS start by inhaling through the LEFT nostril, which means that you close the right nostril first, using your thumb like this.(Image below)

Then you close both nostrils for a little while before exhaling through your right nostril.

 Then inhale through the RIGHT nostril while closing the left.

Close both for a little while before exhaling through the left. This is one cycle. You can do as many cycles as you want. Obviously the longer you breathe like this, the more balanced, centered and calm you will become.

I look forward to BREATHING AS ONE with you on June 21st in Nice.

Yours in health & yoga, Anette Shine XXX &
+377 97 77 78 01 (Sunshine Yoga)

Publicity by Anna Fill - The Riviera Woman

Monday, 1 June 2015    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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