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Health and Beauty

Yoga Posture of the Month: GOMUKHASANA - Cow Pose

ASTRO YOGA – Posture of the month for December
by Anette Shine

Gomukhasana translates from Sanskrit as “cow-face pose”, which sollicitates the anatomical areas relating to Sagittarius: The hips and the thighs. Looking at the posture from above, it resembles the face of a cow, with the feet making the horns and the knees making the mouth.

“Our body is the bow and the yoga postures are the arrows to hit the target -  the soul” (Iyengar) This posture has a centring effect and limbers the hips and legs, as well as the shoulders. First you need to prepare your hips to be open enough to cross the knees in the center, so I suggest you start by doing this variation which looks like a square, also known as “double pigeon” or “firelogs”: One ankle on top of one knee and the other knee  the on top of the other ankle, with gentle pressure on top it all by using the elbows and hands in “anjali mudra” – prayer:

If this is too challenging, due to individual differences in anatomy you may try to start gently like this:

Sagittarius is a joyful sign and a happy approach to the poses can be done by remembering Louise L. Hay’s mantra for the hips: “Hip Hip Hurrah, there is joy in every day!

What to focus on:

We store a lot of emotional baggage in our hips, in many cases even trauma, so try your best to RELAX and surrender into it. This takes courage, patience and time, so close your eyes and go deep within and keep exhaling it all out.

Benefits of Gomukhasana:

It regulates the blood pressure, prevents hernia as the hips and groin become more supple. It relieves varicose veins and sciatica. It improves the blood circulation in both arms and legs.

Another pose relating to Sagittarius:  Supta Virasana – reclining hero pose:


This pose stretches and tones the thighs & pelvic organs. It reduces inflammation in the knees and relieves rheumatic pain. How to get into it step by step:

Remember NEVER to force anything, be gentle and listen to your body’s signals, you have so much wisdom within you, so dare to open up and surrender into it....

Contact:  Anette Shine – * Sunshine Yoga:  +377 97 777801 *  Website:
Publicity by Anna Fill:

Sunday, 1 December 2013    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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