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Protect your business - Intellectual Property.

Ariane Delvoie-Servillat

IP Attorney with Cabinet Weinstein

A recent Holistic Professional Network event featured important information about how best to protect your business identity. Launching a business is a costly and a very proud moment, so it is worth investing in good advice from the professionals.

Definition of intellectual property:

Knowledge, creative ideas, or expressions of human mind that have commercial value and are protectable under copyright, patent, servicemark, trademark, or trade secret laws from imitation, infringement, and dilution. Intellectual property includes brand names, discoveries, formulas, inventions, knowledge, registered designs, software, and works of artistic, literary, or musical nature. It is one of the most readily tradable properties in the digital marketplace. Taken from the Business Directory.


Ariane Delvoie-Servillat, an I.P Attorney with Cabinet Weinstein issued the following tips that will help you make the right decisions.

Your actions could one day prove to be the best investment you ever made.

Branding - Getting It Right - Getting It Protected From The Start!

A few simple steps to have in mind before launching your business and communicating:

  1. Check if there is a prior trademark or trade name for similar products or services.
  2. Modify the name or logo if there is a prior owner and, in any case, make the deposit of the trademark as soon as possible for the territory where your market is. (This refers to France - check your country)
  3. Draft yout original method as precisely as possible and make a deposit to a bailiff or through the "envelope soleau" that the INPI provides.
  4. Check if your innovation is already covered by a prior patent and if not, check if a request for patent can be drafted.
  5. Make sure your marketing consultant and your web designer/agency tansferred to you, in a contract, all the rights related to any creation for your business.
  6. Meet all your potential investors with a business plan that includes Intellectual Property protection and the related fees.
  7. When all your IP rights have been secured, do frequent monitoring of your competitors and market to check:
    i) if someone infringes your rights.
    ii) if you can propose a partnership or the conclusion of a license to your benefit.

Sunday, 29 July 2012    Section: Careers
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