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People and Places

The Three A's

Anja, Anna, Anette


A Chatroom video feature has brought together a collaboration between two Danish women, Anette Shine and Anja Bolbjerg. Anette, a Yoga and Zumba instructor, met professional skier Anja at the Port Palace in Monaco during the filming of The Riviera Woman Chatroom which was titled 'Keep Fit The Sporty Way'.

Together Anette and Anja have formed Association Sunshine in Cap d'Ail. New Zumba classes are being held at the Salle de la Mer, by the Tennis Club and very shortly Anja will commence her ski fitness classes, to prepare those who will take to the slopes this winter.

Anna Fill is proud to have encouraged this collaboration and will happily follow their journey to success.

Friday, 23 September 2011    Section: People and Places
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