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Health and Beauty

Massage Treatments

Introduction to Lesley Anderson and her massage work


In the 1970’s I studied and obtained a diploma in massage and beauty work, I worked in a couple of massage and slimming centres in London before moving to France.  Here my English diploma wasn’t recognised, so I got into designing and making clothes first for women, then children, then into dance companies, cinema and finally Opera. As the Opera season is short it left me plenty of free time to study Traditional Chinese Medicine, I received my diploma in 2003 and became a freelance massage practitioner in Swedish, Shiatsu and sitting back massage.


Since then I’ve also become a practitioner in Quantum Touch, and a practitioner and teacher of The Metamorphic Technique.


This year I’ve added a new direction and have been to Belize to study with Dr. Rosita Arvigo both the Maya Abdominal Massage and Spiritual Healing as she was taught it by Don Elijio Panti the last remaining Maya shaman in Belize.


I am now practising both of the above and am returning for the next step of the adventure in early 2010.


I  also received the 9 Munay-Ki rites this year and can gift them to clients and anyone else interested in receiving them.


First of all I’m going to write a little about Massage and the benefits that can come from receiving them beyond the immediate feel good factor and relaxation that most people have already experienced.


‘Your issues are in your tissues’  quite a statement!


It was Wilhelm Reich who first coined the phrase in his book called Character Analysis, he was a student of Freud but was then obliged to emigrate to the States in the 1930’s because of the political situation in Europe.  He was a psychoanalyst and taught at The New School for Social Research in NY.  He believed that deep tissue muscle therapy was the best way to release internalised negative emotions from the body, once these traumatic memories were released and verbalised, true emotional healing could occur.  In the book he talks about the Muscular Armor Rings that he idedtified in the human body in the same places as the chakras.  For example if someone has heart or lung problems, hypertension, stiff arms, breast cancer, asthma, these could mean that they have had a lot of disapointments, maybe even a heart break. There could be tensions in their mid to upper back and upper arms, which can gradually be broken down with massage and at the same time becoming aware of the underlying problems will bring them up to the surface and cause a release.

Monday, 31 August 2009    Section: Health and Beauty
Article tags: health massage
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