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Art and Artists

My Father, Who Art!

"Explosion Implosion"

"Thomas Modschiedler with daughter Coralie"

An invite to yet another 'Vernissage', which is a preview to an art exhibition, revealed another way for me to perceive art.

Thomas Modschiedler is making his exhibition debut at the L'Entrepôt Art Gallery in Monaco. This is a tale of where passion through practicality has been realised. A passion to become an artist was replaced by the practical sense of duty to embrace an academic career.

Thomas qualified in medicine and is a leading plastic surgeon. Born in Germany in 1955, he studied in France and then moved to Nice in 1992 to open his new practice.

His proud daughter Coralie, a writer herself explained the direction in which her father took to create his style as an artist. Her father believes that much in the same way as paintings or sculptures, plastic surgery is an art. I am told that his paintings are abstract and come from within and move beyond the level of subconsciousness. Thomas achieves this level of emotion through the aromas of essential oils, known as 'olfactory painting' - it is his representation of a certain smell. The painting that we see behind Thomas and his daughter Coralie is from 1974, before his present artistic phase. It is a view point of the political situation of that time.

My personal intrigue is to understand what we see on the canvas and what the artist wishes to convey through his art work. The answer could not be simpler... from my own conclusion, the artist does not want to influence but to encourage and stimulate ones own opinion and thought. The satisfaction for the artist is to 'arrive'.

I see a painting that 'me plaît' - pleases me. I am quickly told that this is a representation of a migraine.


I cannot say that I see 'migraine' through this palette of beautiful, deep and captivating hues. Having not suffered immensely from migraines, I could not connect with the painting in the same way as the artist because to me, it inspired me in an uplifting and energising way. I can only interpret and conclude that this would be my impression of that liberating feeling after the pain... yes, sunshine after the rain.

Thomas Modschiedler and Anna Fill

The Thomas Modschiedler exhibition titled 'Explosion Implosion' continues until the 31st May 2011 at L'Entrepôt Art Gallery in Monaco.


Tuesday, 17 May 2011    Section: Art and Artists
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