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My Business

Thomas Saunders


Tarot Specialist

What do you do?

I specialise in the Tarot in its authentic form and its original purpose for self-discovery and, in particular, as a guide to know where you stand now in your life and the next positive step to take. With over 20 years experience, I was the Tarot reader for the UK Marie Claire magazine for 3 years and have lectured and broadcast in the UK and America on the Tarot, mystery school teachings and sacred geometry. I am a member and lecturer of R.I. L. K. O (Research Into Lost Knowledge Organisation).

How did you start your business and why?

I was the founder and the senior partner of a London based international firm of architects. My work as an architect includes acting as a consultant in crime prevention in the built environment.
I am also a practising dowser working for private clients, property companies, and commercial businesses.

My published work includes The Boiled Frog Syndrome –Your Health and the Built Environment ( and The Authentic Tarot –Discovering Your Inner Self (

Copies are available: Email

Where are you based and where can we see you?

Now based in France, my Tarot seminars, Tarot readings and dowsing courses are available to you from Biot.

Do you see people in groups or individually?

Individual one to one readings:

Tarot readings last about one to one a half hours either in person or by Skype or telephone.

Group seminars and courses are available and limited to 8 persons:
Practical Tarot weekend Seminars for beginners and advanced are run on Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm each day.

Dowsing for beginners (which includes map dowsing or remote viewing) is a one-day course.

How long are the sessions and how can we contact you?

Telephone: +33 (0)4 92 38 95 01

For a private reading call or email for availability.

For further information email


Interview with Anna Fill - The Riviera Woman

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Sunday, 26 September 2010    Section: My Business
Article tags: tarot business
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