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Health and Beauty

Bio Hair - Relaxing Head Massage

A head massage is beneficial for intoxifying the scalp. The treatment encourages hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the hair follicles and also helps to loosen and relax neck muscles and the muscles in the brain. At Bio Hair we follow ayurvedic principles and a method known as Sirabyangam. Anyone suffering from hair loss will also benefit from a head massage.

For the head massage we use essential oils and there are a number of different oils that can be used depending on the client's health and well-being and we will assess the best oils for you when you come. You can benefit from a head massage weekly or once a month.

Having a head massage can be part of your regular hair visit to salon or when you need an extra boost to your day. The process takes about 20 minutes so book your session to have a relaxing massage and feel energised immediately. For the ultimate experience, we recommend having a head massage just before going to the beach for the day so you will not need to wash out the oils. The result is 100% relaxation.

Bio Hair always welcome and recommend booking a consultation to discuss the best styles and hair treatments for you and your hair.

When your hair looks good, you feel good!

Flavio, Morena & Christian

Team Bio Hair are available for all Events,
Weddings, Fashion Shows & Makeovers.

Call and make your appointment now!

Visit the salon:

Bio Hair, Via Roma 34/d 18039, Ventimiglia, Italy. Tel: +39 0184 840502.

See Facebook/BioHair

Monday, 1 August 2016    Section: Health and Beauty
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