Health and Beauty
Sleeping Beauty... Are you getting enough?
We all know that after a good night's sleep, we feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. On average most of us require anything between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night.
Another important factor is the quality of sleep. If you are finding sleeping difficult, try and vary what it is you do leading up to bedtime.
- Reduce intake of caffeine or alcohol
- Avoid looking at your computer befre going to sleep
- Do something relaxing as part of a ritual before going to bed. Try Yoga and in particular the Child's Pose for maximum relaxation
Child's Pose as demonstrated by Yoga Expert, Anette Shine - Sunshine Yoga
If you find yourself falling asleep during the day, a catnap may be what you need to restore energy levels enough to see you through the day. A power nap of no more than 20 minutes is recomended. If you do sleep more than 20 minues you risk feeling very groggy and this can further disrupt your sleep. Try and avoid taking a nap after 3 pm as this is when the sleep hormone melatonin begins to rise in the body. telling the brain that it's time to unwind and slow down.
Did you know?
A lack of sleep is linked to hearts disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, slrokes and even weight gain!
There are some people that can survive on very little sleep and it also likely to be a hereditary condition.
Famous people who sleep very little.
Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Martha Stewart.
Diet can also play a part in achieveig a good nights sleep.
Eating Fish, Jasmine Rice, Yogurt, Whole Grains, Kale, Bananas, Fortified Cereals.
A cat nap is just what the doctor ordered!