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Health and Beauty

Bag yourself a healthy lifestyle...

Have you heard about THE BAG by Monaco based company Live A Nourishing Life? Live A Nourishing Life is Monaco’s solution to making healthy living in the Principality easier. Founded by Monaco resident Johanna Rossi in April 2015 Live A Nourishing Life tracks you local, fresh, organic and seasonal produce from seed to stove. Born out of a love for family, respect for good health and a passion for good food Johanna’s mission is to inspire and empower people to make conscious food choices with the aim of bettering their health, whilst respecting nature and the environment. Live A Nourishing Life provides a service that makes it easier for people to have access to a healthier more sustainable way of eating and living and believes that everyone should know where their food comes from and have access to chemical free, non-GMO produce.


THE BAG contains a bounty of 4,5kg to 6kg of seasonal produce sourced from local farms, plots and gardens within a 50km range of Monaco. Johanna’s growers don't use nasty pesticides, herbicides, insecticides or fumigation. The soil is healthier, which means healthier plants, that produce nutrient rich and tasty fruits and vegetables, which are better for a healthier you...!

« Support local organic farming families and enjoy better nutrition, flavour and ultimately improved health, whilst being kinder to the planet. » Johanna Rossi


"Monday morning I am in love! And that is because I receive THE BAG from Live A Nourishing Life. It is just the perfect start to the week with a bag full of organic vegetables and fruits" - Rikke Brogaard


Subscribe to THE BAG via this link : and you will receive your bag full of goodness direct to your door once a week.


1. Organic farmers look after the fertility and health of our soils, healthy soils produce healthy plants, these in turn produce healthy, tasty, nutrient packed fruits and vegetables that are great for our health when we eat them. The healthier the soil, the healthier the plant!

2. Organic farmers help look after our planet. By not using synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides, organic farmers reduce pollution in our soil, this helps to keep waterways cleaner, reducing pollution throughout the whole food chain. No more healthy soils - No more healthy foods!

3. Organic, locally grown produce just tastes so much better than food that has been picked, packaged and flown hundreds or thousands of miles!

4. By reducing the amount of pesticides and fertilizers you consume you are ultimately looking after your long term health and that of your family. If pesticides are meant to kill bugs, they are not doing you much good either! Children’s growing brains and bodies are far more susceptible to toxins than adults. Choosing organic helps feed their bodies what they need without the exposure to pesticides and GMOs.

5. By buying organic from local farming families you are helping to support them and their profession. Ultimately farming and eating this way is what will help to keep us and our planet healthy!

So what are you waiting for? Become a locavore and help conserve our little corner of the planet and your own health!

If you would like further information about THE BAG or any of Johanna’s other services please contact her at or head to the website

Monday, 1 February 2016    Section: Health and Beauty
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