Woman of the Month
Woman Of The Month - 2015
The 'Woman of the month' feature is about real women doing real things and on The Riviera Woman, we love to read stories that inspire us and motivate us. As we start a new year, we want to recall our women of the month during 2015 as they deserve to be mentioned one more time.
As we embark on a brand new year and following a request from one of our readers The Riviera Woman decided that perhaps those famous 5 questions should be answered by 'she' who created them... See below!
Nadia Mai, Penelope Susan Phillips, Lucy Coote, Judith Evans
Sonia Irvine, Angela Surico, Barbara Wilson, Elizabeth Bright
Julia Moore, Johanna Rossi, Julie Hellon
Our 5 Famous Questions
As creator and editor of The Riviera Woman, when I began this feature in 2013 I never gave thought to answering the questions myself. As I embark on the new year, I will embrace 2016 with all the challenges and whatever is thrown at me and hope to conquer, empower and be empowered by whatever comes my way. And I am planning a very busy busy year!
Anna Fill - Creator and Editor of The Riviera Woman
1) What makes you smile?
Simple things make me smile, such as in nature watching the birds jump from branch to branch when I look out of my window first thing in the morning. My pets always make me smile: I have one dog and 2 beautiful fluffy cats and they bring me such joy. Actually my pets are quite mad... Is that a reflection on me? I am enchanted by the moon and watching it go through its cycle every month without fail, makes me smile. And my biggest smile comes from the unconditional love I receive from my true friends and family who stand by me, support me and even helped to carry me through some very difficult times. When I think of all that and more, there's a whole lotta smiling going on!
2) What or who inspires you?
I draw inspiration from those who stand up for what they truly believe in. I am not referring specifically to religious or political convictions but just about not being afraid to speak out when others choose to be silent. I have never been a celebrity chaser but I do admire those who have a platform of influence and use it to help those less fortunate. Can you imagine the positive effect it would have if we all did something like that, even on a small and humble scale? Wow!
3) Do you believe in gut instincts?
I do believe in listening to that inner feeling. Believing in those gut instincts and acting on them is something else... Many choose to follow the trend and compromise themselves instead of trusting in their own instincts. We need more individuals who follow their hearts by using their heads.
4) Your three essential things if you were stuck on a desert island would be what?
If I were stuck on a desert island I would want a pair of flat comfortable sandals so I could explore the island, a swiss army knife kit, and a lip gloss... well you never know who you might meet? And as creator of this feature (), I am adding a 4th essential... my camera, to capture those special unexpected moments.
5) If you are planning a day/night out, what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy driving to places where I can stop and stand still, somewhere high up in the mountains and let my surroundings empower and energise me. And to be reminded that in the greater scale of things, nothing but the moment really matters. Then when I return to ground zero, to spend time with the friends who keep me smiling from ear to ear! Sweet!
Don't forget, you can nominate anyone who you think should share their experiences as 'Woman of the Month'. Everyone is worthy, you are worthy! Email me: anna@therivierawoman.com