
Welcome to the world
of The Riviera Woman

Hello. My name is Anna Fill and I welcome you to my website. If you’re a woman living or working on the Riviera or if you are just visiting, this is the place for you. My site is full of inspirational people and interesting articles, so keep coming back and let us help you live your Riviera life to the full!

PS Men: don’t feel left out; you are very welcome here too!

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General Articles

The Knicker Box

Being charitable can be demonstrated in many ways. Special thanks to Anne Batt, The Riviera Woman Of The Month, November 2014 who contacted me to see if we could do something to help women less fortunate than ourselves. As a result, The Riviera Woman is launching the Knicker Box. We are talking pants... and lots of them! We want to collect women's pants and send them to women that simply don't have any. This will help to give women not only protection but to help them feel less vulnerable. If you like talking pants... this is how you can help.

The Riviera Woman is also founder of the expat group Britalia, with Melanie El-Sabaawi. This is the group that loves all things Italian and we meet every month for an Apero, fun and lots of chatting...

The Riviera Woman would love you to donate new knickers. They just have to be plain, standard women's knickers and after we collect them, we will make sure that we give them to the appropriate organisations who will see that they reach the needy. So drop by, say hello and leave your knickers with us.

Let's try and do our bit to give women their right to feel safe. It's a small thing to do and will help in a big way.

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Thursday, 1 October 2015    Section: General Articles
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