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We Love Lavender
Lavender is prolific across the Mediterranean and what a wonderful sight when in bloom. Not only is lavender visually stunning and heavenly fragrant, it has so many beneficial properties and has been used medicinally for centuries to help relax and cure.
Lavender is used to help calm nerves and anxiety. If you suffer from migraine or insomnia, a few drops of lavender oil at night on your pillow will soon have you truly relaxed and at ease. In fact lavender oil, is one of the very few essentail oils that you can safely use directly onto your skin.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used lavender in their public baths and so the word lavender comes from the Latin word lavare, meaning to wash.
We have two recipes to make your own lavender spray in the home:
1) Lavender - great natural air freshener.
- 1 cup warm water
- 25 drops lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
Combine the water and oil in a spray bottle and shake well to blend.
To use, spray into the air or on the surface you are disinfecting.
2) Lavender Mint Room Spray & Linen Mist.
Here's a super simple recipe for a relaxing mist for your self and your linens (and your car and your friends and your dog and…)
- 1 part vodka (1-2 cups)
- 1 part water
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops spearmint essential oil
Mix water and vodka in a pump spray bottle or atomizer, add the essential oils, and shake thoroughly.
Shake the bottle each time before you spray it to make sure well mixed.