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Mothers, Women, Girls - Race 4 Life in Mougins!

Be there, do it!...... The 2nd Mougins Cancer Research UK Race for Life event takes place in Mougins on 31st May 2015. Mother’s Day (France only) provides an additional element of female celebration to this year’s occasion.

Inspirational regional co-ordinator, Angela Anderson - and her team of ‘women who care’ - Jenny, Michelle and Helen - puts the call out to women of all ages, shapes and sizes, to participate in this uplifting and life-enhancing day. Money raised this year goes to two charities, benefitting those in the UK, French and global cancer management sectors - Breast Cancer UK and the recently inaugurated Francis Crick Institute, London - a world-leading resource for international cancer prevention and medication.

Alongside their involvement with R4L, the team are movers and shakers in the wider health and well-­being network. The Cancer Support Group 06 provides a life-­line set of services to those in need, helping their health journey  along the way. GSG06 co-­ordinates practical help (dog­walking, shopping) offering a range of well-­being/complimentary treatments and activities designed to  strengthen mind and body including relaxation, and art therapy activities. Counselling support is also on hand. Although the focus is on the anglo­phone community, no individual in need is turned away.

The group meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month, from 15.30-17.30 (See website for location).

More volunteers are needed and ­ you are cordially invited to an Open Day to meet the GSF06 team on: 13th June, 11-­15.00 at The Grange, Mouans-­Sartoux.

Returning to the R4L event in May ­ The Riviera Woman (TRW) put the issue of gender discrimination to Angela ­ why a women­-only event, cancer has no gender boundaries? Her response was unhestitating and direct - ­ ‘no competitiveness’. The cause is too important for any element of competition, either between the sexes, or between individuals - this is an event of celebration - Olympic-running may occur, but walking, strolling and enjoying the buzz is highly recommended, too! Male involvement IS welcomed and expected - their support is key - Angela urges all lads to cheer on their female partners, wives, daughters and friends - hand out water as they pass by and then cook them breakfast when the event is done…!

The first Mougins R4L event in 2014 raised 5k GBP with just 30 people - expectations are high for a much larger group this year - with donated prizes and raffles to keep the spirits up.

So, on with the appropriate footwear, and see you there!

Race for Life Mougins website

Race for Life UK

Friday, 1 May 2015    Section: Events    Author: Julia Moore
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