Health and Beauty
Mind, Body and Soul: 5 Tips for Women’s Health in 2015
Guest Writer: Cassie Brewer
No matter what your New Year resolutions are, health should always be on your list of priorities. Learn popular tips for mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing so you can make 2015 the year of a happier and healthier you. Here are five to enrich your life.
1. Green Exercise
You know that regular exercise is important and should form part of your daily routine. Experts say you should aim for at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week or an hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise every week. Although you might head to the gym for your daily workouts, a fitness trend for the year involves taking your workout outdoors.
It has a variety of benefits: not only do you get your heart pumping but you can feel connected to nature and allow your workout to have a meditative effect, helping you clear your mind (which, let’s face it, doesn’t happen easily in a noisy, stuffy gym!).
If you think your workout choices are limited to running and hiking, you’re mistaken. Adventure workouts are gaining popularity within the outdoor fitness trend, so try your hand at more intense cardio workouts such as rock climbing or obstacle racing.
2. The ‘Normcore’ Body
The bikini body trend that’s been popular for ages is being replaced by what’s referred to as the 'normcore body'. What this means is that bodies which are super-toned are being switched for softer, sensual bodies that look real.
It’s really about finding your balance. Eating healthy food and getting exercise are important but so is self-love. Not beating yourself up when you don’t fit into size four jeans. Not feeling guilty when you miss a day of exercise. Not comparing yourself to the photoshopped images in magazines that cause you to feel less beautiful.
Celebrate raw beauty instead—not just in your makeup choices but also in your body: loving it for all that it does for you on a daily basis as well as its unique and real appearance.
3. Mind the Plate
Being mindful about what you eat is about losing the habit of grabbing food on the run or eating without really putting any thought into your meals. It’s focused on choosing food with care, not just concerning calorie count but also nutrition, then chewing it well and slowly so that you enjoy how it tastes.
Mindful eating not only helps you maintain your weight but boosts the health of your digestion as well as makes you find pleasure in food. Added to this, chewing food slowly helps to break it down so that your body can absorb its nutrients more efficiently.
4. The Rise of Plant Protein
Gaining protein from plant sources (such as ancient grains and nuts) instead of animal products is continuing to gain popularity this year. This is an interesting trend that shows how vegetarian and vegan lifestyles are still on the rise. Besides for being focused on healthier, natural diets, veganism is often underpinned by a need to live cruelty-free and a desire to protect the environment, which feels good to the soul.
The most interesting part about plant protein is that it’s another move towards natural foods to sustain one’s health and fitness, breaking the idea that you need animal products to get enough protein.
5. Food for Your Brain
Fermented foods are the latest must-have to consume —think of them as new super foods—and they’re not just hype. These foods improve your intestinal health but the focus is also on how they can help your brain. It’s well-known by science that your gut and brain are connected, and you’ll know this is true when you experience gastrointestinal symptoms after being stressed.
But what’s happening in your gut also impacts your brain. Research has found, for instance, that probiotics (or good bacteria) can normalize anxious behaviour. Fermented foods restock the gut’s probiotic content while also helping the body improve its nutrient absorption. Add delicious fermented foods such as sauerkraut, miso and tempeh to your regular eating plan.
You’ve probably heard the saying that health is wealth, and this year our diets and lifestyles are focusing on that like never before. So embrace a holistic health resolution and glow from head to soul.