Health and Beauty
Thread Lift - Esthetic Treatments
(Other articles in this series: Just An Illusion, More than skin deep..., Beauty and the Botox and A Secret To Share)
Since attended the Anti-Ageing Medicine World Congress in Monaco earlier this year, The Riviera Woman has been looking into the options for treatments to combat the ageing process and talk to the experts. And this month...
What is Thread Face Lifting?
Thread Lift is a procedure which involves elevating different parts of the face using special threads without having to make surgical incisions as with a classic face lift.
In some beauty journals it is reported that the technique using threads inserted in the face could replace having a surgical facelift. In other reports this is contradicted by surgeons that state threads are ineffective.
We speak to Doctor Jean-Luc Vigneron, Senior Dermatologist and founder of Villabianca. "To clarify..." he says, "There are two main types of threads or sutures used: Short V (fan-like) shaped threads or suspended threads which need to be anchored to the facial tissue."
In more detail:
1. V threads are smooth and short. Twenty or thirty are positioned on each side of the cheek and neck. They consist of PDO, a resorbable material which has been used in procedures for many years. With the way the threads are positioned, new collagen begins to form around them and tightens the surrounding area. The collagen continues after the disappearance of the threads.
Dr. Vigneron tells us the purpose for this technique: "Indeed, the effect is contouring. It gives a more regular oval, improved contours and eliminates shadows around the lower face."
Dr. Vigneron explains: "This effect is a consequence of the mesh pattern which allows the new collagen to form around it and tighten the surrounding area.The closer the threads are placed in the 'mesh' the tighter the achievable lift."
Called the 'lunchtime procedure', this technique is light and fast. For the patient, it is similar to having an injection of filler session, more nor less, and there is little or no bruising. The advantage is that the result cannot be achieved by fillers, because the correction is fine and subtle. It completely avoids what is seen sometimes: overload fillers in the lower face leading to a "bulldog face", that is to say, an expansion of the lower face.
2. Suspension threads are notched (Cogged or barbed,) to hold and lift the facial tissues. Dr. Vigneron explains the procedure: "They are inserted into the cheeks and for the technique to be more effective the threads extend over the ears in the temporal area. They are usually made ​​of non-absorbable threads and can be removed." He also states that: "The intervention is heavier than the V Threads, but lighter than a surgical face lift. In practice, there will be skin folds for 3 to 5 days and a pulling sensations for 7 days. The suspension threads gives a net lifting effect on the cheeks and neck. In many cases, this effect is comparable to that of surgery. With this technique it is suited to people who already have a good skin quality."
Villabianca have practiced the 'Thread Lift' procedure since 2002 and are aware of the interest, but also the limitations of these techniques. In conclusion, the 'Thread Lift' procedure forms part of the very valuable opportunities available to combat the aging process. According to the technique, one can have an effect of redefining the oval or a real lifting effect.
For all procedures seek to have a consultation and talk to qualified experts who will discuss the best options for you.