Health and Beauty
Mindfulness - 8 Week Course
New 8 week Mindfulness Course
On Tuesdays starting September 30th
Mougins mornings and Beausoleil evenings with a one week break for the Toussaint holidays
Sept 16th
This is the largest and best-known stress reduction programme in the world. Now taught also in Monaco Princesse Grace hospital as an effective treatment for depression and anxiety.
To achieve positive results students commit to one lesson per week and 45 mins of home practice 6 days per week. In this way old habits of reacting to stress can be replaced by new ways of responding with intelligence and we find that we are better equipped to deal with tension, pain or fear. With Mindfulness we can also be more present during pleasant, joyful moments and thus able to make the most of the good times that might otherwise have been missed.
Course fee 425 euros or 350 euros early bird special before September 23rd. Includes 7 lessons, one full day workshop, full course notes, recordings and ongoing support after the course has finished.
As one participant said "I thought; if not now, then when?" Maybe it's the right time for you .....
Mindfulness is good for you and anyone can do it
Contact Alison Prideaux +33 (0)6 17 05 82 41
Alison was also featured in the travel section of the Telegraph UK Newspaper. See HERE