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Create the Spark Course - Power of Self-Esteem


The course, in a nutshell

  • You get to learn about self-esteem (what it is / what it isn’t)
  • You get to examine and challenge long-held beliefs
  • You get to learn about how the two are connected and change your daily experience – straight away!

What would I get out of taking this particular course?

  • A new way of speaking to yourself, and a tool to discern what is true and what is not about you as a person
  • The ability to detect when your self-esteem is flying high or, on the contrary, laying low
  • Greater self-confidence in the face of adverse situations at work or at home
  • A clearer way to communicate with others so that you do not hurt other people’s self-esteem
  • Great tools to enhance your children’s, friends' or co-workers self-esteem and confidence

For more details visit the website

Sunday, 29 June 2014    Section: Events
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