Woman of the Month
Woman Of The Month - Hillary Barrows
Hillary Barrows is a published author specializing in Italian crime historical fiction - her first book is 'When Angels Fall', a Benedetti Renaissance Mystery. She also writes screenplays and the screenplay from her second book, The Matriarch has been placed in the semi finals in two major Hollywood screenwriting contests (final results pending) and has some interest from a couple of Hollywood producers. Until recently Hillary Barrows from Canada lived in Italy, and now resides in nearby France.
We asked Hillary our famous 5 little questions and this is what she wrote...
1. What makes you smile?
My two rescued four-legged, hair-shedding dogs. When I come home, their wagging tails and doggie smiles erase any negative thoughts or fatigue. I have to smile when the little one decides it's time to 'nest' on her pre-made doggie bed. Hilarious. Talking to my mom on the phone, who is in Canada, and knowing she is healthy and in a cheery mood. Lazing on a beach with a martini in hand and knowing I don't have to DO ANYTHING!
2. What or who inspires you?
All sorts of things. For my writing, I adore the works of oscar Wilde. As a crime writer, I watch a great many true crime shows. I must say one on my biggest influences is the sleuthing of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. The History Channel helps to broaden my writing too.
3. Do you believe in gut instincts?
Yes, very much so. I believe gut instincts are the voices of the angels or God or whatever someone believes in that protect us. Always listen to them! When I have cast it aside, I have always regretted it. Some of us have stronger instincts but I found listening to that very FIRST voice is the always the way to go.
4. Your three essential things if you were stuck on a dessert island would be what?
Fresh water (I'd love to say bottles of wine but let's be a little realistic), my dogs - and ...... hmmm, let's see, a plane to get me off? I can't say some hunky guy as, knowing me, he'd probably get on my nerves after awhile.
5. If you are planning a day/night out, what do you enjoy doing the most?
Well, that depends on where I am and what the weather is like. I love scuba diving or snorkeling then relaxing with a picnic and sunning myself on a rock, playing the lounge lizard. I much prefer that to the night life but not adverse to swinging my hips to some salsa and latin music with a margerita in hand!
Hillary's book is available from Amazon.fr or any Amazon site.
UK site: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1480110248
French site: http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1480110248
Her legal name is Hillary Barrows but her pen name is H.A. Corby. Also here is the link to the author's blog http://www.hacorby.wordpress.com