Woman of the Month
Woman Of The Month - Jackie Pressman
Jackie Pressman is our ‘Woman of the month’ for December. Jackie has lived in Cannes for 14 years and owns French Riviera Property Search Sarl. This is a series to recognise the special women across the Riviera.
We asked Jackie 5 little questions and this is how she replied:
1. What makes you smile?
The sound of the sea throughout my living and working spaces, and the glorious Mediterranean light streaming through my windows.
The joyful chaos of the Forville Market in Cannes, with its extraordinary diversity of fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, flowers and fish.
The satisfaction of helping others find their ideal homes on the Côte d’Azur, thus affirming my choices of business and lifestyle. I smile at their smiles when sharing those magical French Riviera moments – perhaps new for my clients, but renewed for me.
2. What or who inspires you?
Any woman of achievement, who has retained her special essence. In my business life, I have aspired to be that woman, providing unique services that reflect my diversity of life experiences.
My business here was created out of my professional business / property background, and the true inspiration of this beautiful region.
3. Do you believe in gut instincts?
Instincts are really based on age and experience. So, for example, I normally know if a buyer is serious and committed. Is that a gut instinct? or more probably because of my previous knowledge.
4. Your 3 essential things if you were stuck on a desert island would be what?
Not sure I could cope alone - how long would I be there? If no rescue in sight I must realise that a desert island has no internet or TV connection and no way to recharge my kindle - so it would have to be other items I need. I have a fair English skin so I choose a good sun cream and lip balm. For my 3rd, can I have my husband to keep me amused? You don't say I have to be alone! But wait, if I can have any man ......... !
5. In your leisure time, what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy so very many things of the area. Definitely art and gastronomy; little hill-villages or our cities; mountains and sea; exuberance and tranquility; teaching and learning; visiting friends and entertaining them at home. Some examples are: visiting a museum or gallery or exhibition, followed by a lovely lunch in one of the many restaurants in our region; walking through cobblestoned streets or sitting in an opera house (the one in Monaco is splendid); partying and reading; showing friends and clients all that I have learned about the Côte d’Azur, and learning even more; being welcomed by the remarkably diverse international friends one meets on the Riviera, and offering them food, wine and music in my own home. A busy life!
And blogging about all of these things - www.jackiepressman.com
Every month we will feature a different Riviera woman from all walks of life, nationality, profession... If you would like to nominate someone, let us know. You can email us on: editors@therivierawoman.com