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Hello. My name is Anna Fill and I welcome you to my website. If you’re a woman living or working on the Riviera or if you are just visiting, this is the place for you. My site is full of inspirational people and interesting articles, so keep coming back and let us help you live your Riviera life to the full!

PS Men: don’t feel left out; you are very welcome here too!

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Chocolate Paradise - Festival

For chocolate lovers, this festival should NOT be missed! The International Chocolate Exhibition runs from 18th - 27th October in Perugia, Italy and attracts some 900,000 visitors to this 'sweet' event in the beautiful region of Umbria.

The show will feature demonstrations and workshops and there will be a great deal of tasting going on!

Visit the website for more details:

Thursday, 17 October 2013    Section: Events
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