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General Articles

Women Making Waves

This is not Three Men in a Boat. This is Two Women in a Submarine.

Anna & I went all nautical and nice to tour the 19th Monaco Yacht Show.
By Wendy York

Who's Got The Biggest?

Whilst many of the exhibitors - especially those hoping to sell some superyachts - were definitely thinking big is beautiful, Anna & I opted for a small but perfectly formed uboat submarine. Girls, it is the ultimate 'must have' accessory. Lose the Manolo's, and climb into the incredible submersible. Never mind the details of how far it can go under the sea - 10 meters - or how long you can be under water for - 4 hours/ 4 days, it has a built in champagne holder. How cool is that?

In what is generally thought of as a male-dominated domain, it was a lovely surprise to find Riviera (and other) women in pivotal positions in yachting. From the more traditional crewing to bespoke watch design there was a definite female touch.

Sun, Sea And Sensible Shoes...

...seemed a must for touring stands, gazing at superyachts and crossing on RIBS from quay to quay. There was certainly glorious sunshine throughout the four days, stunning blue sea as far as the eye could see and there were amongst all the deck shoes, some simply to die for designer strappy sandals. Much as I envied the teeter totterers, I would not have wanted their poor feet at the close of play.

Walking round the stands, being puzzled by the random machinery, amazed at the opulent interior design on board the one hundred yachts displayed took stamina and the odd glass of Fine Wine Works Vilmart Champagne.

 'It's Always Ladies' Day... Insull's' parasol was not only a much needed shelter from the blazing sun but a cleverly worded advertisment for a predominently female brokerage. It seems that charter brokers are mainly female. They are renowned for attention to detail, the care and attention before and after sale. Hmmm sounds like us!

Busman's Holiday

We had the good fortune to bump into Sue, a yacht captain on a busman's holiday, she had found her land legs and was catching up on old friends. She very kindly let us interview her and eat her chips. Thanks Sue! 

Cooking Up A Storm

Anna had the pleasure of  a galley trip to talk to Paula, a female chef and took time to find a recipe that will travel well on land or sea.

Sail Away With Me

For those Riviera Woman who, like me, are martyrs to mal de mer, the thought of sailing across the harbour, let alone round the world begs the question 'why?'  Listening to Alexia Barrier in her press conference at Monaco Yacht Club, I began to understand Alexia's passion, not only for sailing, but for caring for the planet . The two are fused in her planned trip. With a specially adapted 60 foot yacht that will leave no carbon footprint, Alexia will undertake scientific experiments en route. The Riviera Woman hopes to follow Alexia's progress on the amazing adventure, we start with a forthcoming article shortly. Sit tight in your chair with a noggin of rum.

An Auction in Time

There seems to be a theme of bespoke luxury throughout the show. From the largest yacht to the  gold handled butter knife, the attention to detail is phenomenal. Not being an engineering person myself, I am always somewhat bewildered by expert craftsmanship. The finest example, which had, I feel,real purpose was the Only Watch auction held during the show. Under the support of HSH Prince Albert, thirty world renowned watch makers were commisioned to design a one-off timepiece. The not inconsiderable proceeds all go to the Monaguesque Association Against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The watches were individual achievements in the balance of form and function. Quite a few have a female story behind them so watch (oh, that was so obvious!) this space for more.

Sailing Off Into The Sunset

It was a joy to meet so many fascinating women, landlubbers and seawomen alike. All were delighted to hear about The Riviera Woman and Readers. We found lots of fascinating tales which we hope to share with you in the coming editions, so the sun's over the yardarm, splice the mainbrace, crack open your ration of rum and ship's biscuits and enjoy the armchair sail.

Monday, 28 September 2009    Section: General Articles
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