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General Articles

Long Live The King

On Tuesday, April 30th, while royals from all over Europe and beyond gather at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam for the accession to the throne of his majesty King Willem-Alexander following the abdication of his mother Queen Beatrix, in Monaco the Dutch General Consul Barend van der Vorm and his wife held a reception a the Hermitage Hotel to commemorate this occasion.  Many Monaco Government representatives, the French and Italian Ambassadors and several Honorary Consuls were present at this festive event, joining the many Dutch residents living in the Principality. After a cocktail all the guests were invited to watch the coronation ceremony that was transmitted live from Amsterdam. King William-Alexander is 46 years old making him the youngest monarch and the first male to be crowned in the Netherlands since 1890.  The Dutch will also have a new Queen called Maxima, originally from Argentina, who is as popular as the new King William-Alexander.

Photos by: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

Top left: General Consul of The Netherlands in Monaco Barend van der Vorm and his wife.

Top right: The chorus of Dutch nationals

Tuesday, 30 April 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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