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General Articles

New Rural Home for the Handicapped.

The Monaco Disease Power (MDP) held a fundraising dinner at the Yacht Club of Monaco, in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert who came to support Muriel Natali-Laure, President of MDP and her team. Among the other Monaco personalities present were Laurent Nouvion, President of the National Council, Mayor Georges Marsan, Stephan Valerie, Jean Castellini, Minister of Economy and Finance, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Philippe Narmino, General Secretary of the Red Cross and HE Henri Fissore,  as well as representatives from the Cuomo Foundation and the Niarkos Foundation who have generously contributed to this project. A special guest who came to sustain this association was no other than astronaut Patrick Baudry, who as part of his extensive career flew back  in 1985 as a payload specialist on STS-51G Discovery launched from Kennedy Space Centre, Florida, and returned to land at Edward Air Force Base in California, as part of the international crew who deployed communications satellites and later deployed and retrieved the Spartan satellite. In completing this flight Lieutenant Colonel Baudry travelled 2.5 million miles in 112 Earth orbits, logging over 169 hours in space.

Patrick Baudry & Muriel Natali-Laure during a brief presentation by Mr. Baudry

Muriel Natali-Laure and her team thanked all the participants at the dinner for their generous contribution and participation in the auction and tombola that raised €190,000, enabling them to reach their goal of completing the constructions of a rural home to welcome handicapped persons and their families, offering a place where concerned families may meet and their children benefit from the presence of educators who will take care of them during their stay. Of a surface of 480m2 on three levels with elevator, with a capacity for 19 people, it has been built to facilitate the integration and socialization of persons with disabilities. This rural home is located in the centre of Annot in the Alps of Provence in close proximity to an activity centre with pool, tennis and equestrian centre, as well as commerce, and it is only an hour and a half from Monaco it is accessible by car, bus or train. 

Photo provided by MDP - Rural home in Annot Alps of Haute Provence

The official inauguration is scheduled for this summer. For more information please contact MDP on: Mobile 06 07 93 23 56 and visit their site

Photo by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

Wednesday, 6 March 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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