General Articles
The Ultimate Gift - Campaign
There are so many charties worthy of support today and all needing funds and time to raise awareness. This requires a commitment and dedication which is not always possible no matter what good intentions we may have...
My campaign does not require anyone to part with money. This is a campaign that asks you to search within yourself and think how much good you can do. You can make a difference when it no longer makes a difference to you.
We spend our lives creating and building a future to better ourselves and for the generations that follow. We are a race that likes to give back and perhaps leave a legacy full of meaning.
We can all do that. It is possible and it is so simple. The most precious thing we can do is to give life to another after our time on this planet has come to an end. To enable our loved ones to benefit, we arrange wills stating our wishes, helping those we care for to benefit after we have died. It is also in our power to help not just one person... but many people by leaving instruction for your organs to go towards helping those who are need them to survive, to live a normal and better existence.
To do this, we need to tell our loved ones that we would like to donate our organs to give life to another. It is also important to carry a donor card. This is the most prescious gift you can give. The gift of life.
There are organisations that have been created that will give you all the necessary information. In the UK we have Organ Donation, in France ADOT and in Italy AIDO. if you travel a great deal, register with all these organisations or make sure you are carrying instruction should anything happen to you.
If you have a heart... when the times comes, give it to someone who needs it. It is the greatest gift of all.