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General Articles

Find Love this Valentine's Day

To celebrate Valentine’s Day the National Business Network Commission (NBN) of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Monaco will organize a Business Happy Hour on Wednesday, February 14th at 18:30 at Zest on the port, having as theme «Singles Valentine’s Day».  The highlight of the evening will be a Speed Dating session to enable singles find their soulmate, or at least optimize their professional network. Couples are also welcome.

The entry price is only Eur 2 that includes the ticket for the tombola where the prize will be a romantic dinner for two, of course.

Zest on the Port, 6 Route de la Piscine, Port Hercule, Monaco - (Photo provided by Zest)

Friday, 8 February 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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