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Happy 100 Years to a Girls Best Support

The bra is celebrating 100 years.  And since its humbling beginning, the brassiere has changed in so many ways from: Function to Fashion to Fantasy!

In 1913 New Yorker Mary Phelps Jacobs invented the bra using two silk scarves and some pink ribbon, to be worn under a sheer evening gown she was to wear for one of her social evenings.

This invention replaced the corset and the brassiere began it's journey to how we know it today.

The new garment came at a time when fashion was changing and the new garment complicated the designs of the day.

In 1928, a Russian entrepreneur Ida Rosenthal was responsible for creating women's bust-size categories as in cup sizes and in 1934 in came the first strapless bra. The idea to hve a push-up bra was in 1948 and after more and more progress and design, the famous 'Wonder Bra' took to the stage in 1968.

Fashion and music were responsible for how we women wore the bra. It became a fashion statement. Madonna hit the headlines with her conical shaped bra and since then women are now more adventurous and experimental on how the bra is worn.

Madonna performing on her Blonde Ambition tour in 1990. Photograph: Eugene Adebari / Rex Features

Even though the bra is one of the most important pieces of a woman's wardrobe, one in two women are wearing bras that are the correct size and fitting. It is actually important to be measured every six months - and most women tend to favour two bras that they wear over and over again, even if the lingerie drawer has many more.

One thing we should all be saying is 'Happy 100th Birthday and thank you for your Support'.

Famous Bra Companies:

La Perla - Triumph - Gossard - Wonderbra - Freya

Wednesday, 30 January 2013    Section: Fashion
Article tags: Bra Birthday Support
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