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Art and Artists

Danilo Martinis – Action Man.

Danilo Martinis was born in Milan. His work fuses various genres of movement, dance, opera...


It is quite easy to miss the artist when in a room of mingling enthusiastic art lovers. He appears shy and retiring... but there is something quite enigmatic about this Italian born creator of art when you consider his 'productions'. His paintings are uncomplicated when you analyse the use of colour and absolutely striking in design. Danilo Martinis has perfected the art of movement.

His subjects are beautiful and the anatomy perfect. Every position has a poise of absolute elegance. Danilo Martinis oozes creativity and although his works are profound, they are light and delicate. As a writer plays with words... Danilo plays with design. He fuses dance, opera and music, making each piece a performance and deserving of an encore!

See more of Danilo Martinis artwork on The Riviera Woman Facebook Page: CLICK

Thursday, 24 January 2013    Section: Art and Artists
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