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Ambassador of France in Monaco speaks to Association of Women Entrepreneurs

Ambassador Hugues Moret and the members of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Monaco

On Tuesday, January 15th, H.E. Hugues Moret, Ambassador of France in Monaco, was the guest speaker at the monthly lunch of the Principality’s Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AFCEM) at the Novotel. Mr Moret was former Chief of Staff of Rama Yade’s cabinet, and was simultaneously entrusted with Foreign Affairs and Human Rights as deputy Director of Minister Bernard Kouchner’s office, until November 2011 when he was appointed Ambassador of France to the Principality.

Mr. Moret started his career as a special assistant to Valery Giscard d’Estaing during his presidency of the Commission of Foreign Affairs. He was technical advisor to the cabinet of Jacques Chirac, and later became Deputy Director of Press in the French Direction of Communication and Information.  Jöelle Baccialon, President of AFCEM gave a brief presentation on the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs (FCEM), that was founded in 1945 at the end of the Second World War, and is now represented in 70 countries, counting more than 400,000 members, and whose current President is Laura Gucci from Italy. The Monaco chapter was created in 2004 and has around 50 accomplished women members originating from many countries as a direct reflection of the many nationalities living in the Principality. The message of Ambassador Moret was that of close cooperation between France and Monaco to ensure mutual benefit in the areas of education, sustainable development, human rights and especially the commercial sector, taking into account that more than 35,000 workers from bordering countries depend on Monaco’s economy.

Photo Above: Ambassador Hugues Moret

Photos by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

Tuesday, 15 January 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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