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Art and Artists

Lorenzo Quinn - The Artist, Sculptor, Photographer

Photo 1 : Caroline Jelmoni, Lorenzo Quinn, Magdalena Gabriel & Kamil with Quinn’s Print “WHAT CAME FIRST” in the background

Kamil, interior designer and a passionate lover of art, established in Monaco since the 80’s, in collaboration with Magdalena Gabriel invited the press for a private presentation of celebrated sculptor Lorenzo Quinn to see his new collection of prints on Aluminium, « The Fusion ». 

This exclusive collection measuring 200cm in length and width represent Lorenzo’s most famous sculptures, photographed by the artist himself. The results are striking as he uses aluminium or even copper as the background creating dazzling visual effects.

Photo 2: Lorenzo Quinn with “FAITH II”

Lorenzo born in Rome and educated in both Italy and the United States is one of the sons of the legendary actor Anthony Quinn and Jolanda Addolori. Following his father steps he went into acting and trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in New York achieving the best new actor award at the Biarritz Film Festival, but he now dedicates himself solely to art.

This exclusive collection of large size prints are on display in Galerie du Forum – Kamil, 3 Av Princesse Grace, Monaco



Photos by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

Saturday, 1 December 2012    Section: Art and Artists    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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