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Food Glorious Food - Annual Food Extravaganza Starts In Monaco


This Friday, November 23rd was the opening of the 17th Gastronomy fair in Monte-Carlo that will continue through until Monday, November 26th from 10:00 to 19:00hs in the Espace Fontvieille.

This is an invitation to enjoy the pleasures of the palate and all its temptations. Producers, professionals, and chefs propose original products of high qualitly.

Colourful Cheeses

It is an ideal outing for the whole family as the children will enjoy tasting a myriad of sweet products while the adults do some shopping and enjoying tasting the foies gras, the cheeses, the wines and more.

There are also several restaurants on site to enjoy.

Chocolate carving by the pastry chefs of the Fairmont Hotel

Photos by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

Friday, 23 November 2012    Section: Events    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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