Art and Artists
Open ceremony of Arternativelight2
Gilles Jacob with fashion designer & painter Elizabeth Wessel of Monaco
Tuesday, September 11th – Gilles Jacob, critic, director, author and President of the famous Cannes Film Festival since 2000, was the guest of honour who opened the exhibition ARTERNATIVELIGHT2 at the Chapiteau de Fontvieille in Monaco, exposing a selection of his photos taken from the top of the Red Carpet steps when welcoming the most famous stars at the Film Festival Palace. The objective of this exhibition was to gather the talents of more than 20 artists going beyond their domain of expertise, among them sculpturers, painters, actors, designers, choreographers, writers, musicians and dancers, to reveal their hidden passions and present their new and original creations never exposed before. A silent auction of those works of art will benefit the Albert II of Monaco Foundation, FightAids, Monaco Aide&Presence as well as the Arcol program for Art & Creativity.
The exhibition will be open to the public from September 12 to 16.
For further information please visit
Photo and article by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha