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General Articles

'Reculer pour mieux sauter' - The basis for success

Article (translated from Dutch) by Fabienne van Dillen.

This French proverb that originated in sports, is in the business world a symbol for a break, a step back so you can make a bigger leap forward as a result. Every businessperson has to deal with some kind of wave back once in a while. Decline is at the same time terribly scary. A downward spiral could also be a sign that the tide will not turn. The reporting on the crisis is getting on a lot of people’s nerves; we do not like a lot of changes, we are scared everything will go wrong. Moreover, the excuse "it is due to the recession I cannot succeed”, is a major limiting belief to be creative, to reposition and to look for new opportunities.

The basis for success

It happens to every entrepreneur at some point, the wind is out of your sails. The first comforting thought is that you can navigate even with a headwind and progress. Then there must be a plan, a strategy how you can adjust your sail and get back into the right flow. At the basis of every success are two important ingredients:

1. Firm belief that success comes. This passion radiates an infectious energy which people find worthwhile to tell about, to write about, to recommend and to cooperate with you.

2. Empathy. Not only to identify the changing needs of your customers, but also to get the best out of your talent and out of the people you work with.

"Dance like nobody's watching"

"Love like you were never deceived, and do business as if it can not go wrong." This is a quote from media entrepreneur Ruud Hendriks. Easier said than done. Certainly when fear, insecurity or distrust is an obstacle for your candor. "Reculer, pour mieux sauter" is the best advice. A number of coaching sessions can help to get your strategy back on track and to regain your confidence in being successful.

If you want to learn more about this or share some thoughts on the possibilities? Have a look at and talk to me.

Thursday, 22 March 2012    Section: General Articles    Author: Fabienne van Dillen
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