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General Articles

Christine Lagarde - Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.

Christine Lagarde who heads the International Monetary Fund, is on a mission to save the global economy. She is wanting to raise a $500 billion firewall to help during those financial tremors.

Women have for years been managing the purse strings, so what a fitting role for Christine Lagarde. She has always felt that had the Lehman Brothers been actually the Lehman Sisters, the financial situation would probably never have occurred.

If she is right, why then are there so few women in key roles throughout the world?

Here we see Christine Lagarde being interviewed for FrobesWoman.

I picked on one question and enjoyed how she replied to it: "Can you think of a time in your life when you have felt most powerful?" To listen to the answer, watch the interview.

Sunday, 4 March 2012    Section: General Articles    Author: Anna Fill
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