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Art and Artists

Leo Wesel

Good lighting can enhance any piece of artwork. Lucea is a stunning boutique featuring 'light works'. Some of the most equisite pieces of light design can discovered at the showroom in Ventimiglia, Italy.

The artwork of Leo Wesel complemented and was enhanced by the Venetian glass lighting. Born in Holland, Leo now lives in Ventimiglia. His collections have been exhibited in various locations in Italy, France, Monaco, Sweden and his native country of Holland.


Four Women and Two Women


His style is bold, bright and expressive. He uses colour matter of factly and the outcome is enriched with expression and emotion.

As well as working with oils on canvas, Leo expresses his creativity with slate.  There are a number of his sculptures on display in Menton and near the Italian border.

Leo Wesel

Thursday, 9 February 2012    Section: Art and Artists
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