General Articles
Erasmus and the cat litter tray
Cultural exchange programmes should always be supported. Young or old, there is always benefit from being forcibly removed from home and sent to far and strange lands... Julia Moore observes behaviours and trends... Read more
General Articles
Village Politics: Ever Decreasing Circles
As the last shred of tinsel and gallette is cleared away, the starting pistol has been fired in the UK to hail that other non-escape ritual - A General Election. In keeping with traditions, the media is clearing the decks to make way for startling headlines (‘Nick Clegg’s grandmother was a spy’), policy sound bites and, crucially... Read more
General Articles
The Lady - East meets West
![Click to read the full article](pics/2012/01/PowerWomen.jpg )
The Iron Lady versus The Lady: Margaret Thatcher and Aung San Suu Kyi. Women in power.
General Articles
![Click to read the full article](pics/2011/09/JuliaMooreVoices72.jpg)
Voices - Speak softly Unto Power: What's That You Say? By Julia Moore.
Art and Artists
Collaborative Art
General Articles
Chained Elephant Syndrome
Anna Fill Interviews
Monaco Means Business
Anna Fill Interviews
Votes for Women
Do women vote? Should they? Do politicians care about the issues that matter to women?
General Articles
Shopping for a Party
This year's 'Must Have' - a little feminine number.