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Showing all articles having tag 'Prince Albert ll'

General Articles

Monaco Ambassador's Club Honors One Of Their Own

The Monaco Ambassadors’ Club celebrated its 40th anniversary in the Hotel de Paris in the presence of their Serene Highnesses Prince Albert and Princess Charlene. On this festive occasion Mrs Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio was honored with the Goodwill Ambassadors’ Award for her continuous outstanding contribution to the Principality for over 55 years. Also present, Sir Roger Moore...


Friday, 31 May 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha

General Articles

Monaco Yacht Club Welcomes New Members

On Wednesday evening, December 12th during the traditional YCM winter cocktail HSH Prince Albert II welcomed the new society members and presented a report on the activities of the club and the progress of the new clubhouse.

The most convivial moment was when the new members exchanged their ties for the one with the logo of the club and celebrated with a toast of traditional blue drink representing the sea.

Photo by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha: HSH Prince Albert making his presentation surrounded by the members of the board 

Thursday, 13 December 2012    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha